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Patch Notes from 1.08 and earlier has been moved to the Archived Notes page (this information has not been relevant for many years now).
Excel Sheet download, a link to Card Deck printable sheet and link to Armor/Weapons Dashboard can also be found there.

Note on cards that were missing in original game (Patch v1.08 and earlier): These are in fact available but have not been added to checklist. This is because they are not required for Achievement/Trophy. This list has been working for >5years and may have helped hundrends of thousands of achievement hunters, for now I've decided to leave the list as is, but may add them in for completeness in the future. These include but may not be limited to:
Albrich (2 of 2), Clear Weather (3 of 3), Torrential Rain (3 of 3), Ballista (2 of 2)
Special thanks to all who have e-mailed in with kind words and to provide feedback on the availability of these cards.

Gwent is a Witcher 3 mini game. It is a collectable card game similar to Magic: The Gathering. Players can win random cards by playing against merchants and inn keepers, win special cards in certain quests and by purchasing them from merchants.
For a full location guide see the interactive dashboard above.

Gwent Reddit

A player must have a full deck consisting of a minimum of 22 unit cards and up to 10 special cards.
Unit cards can be chosen from 4 factions or neutral cards.
A player wins by getting the highest score in 2 out of 3 rounds.
A round is over when both players have passed or there are no more cards to play.
(Note: When a player passes no more cards can be played that round, but the opponent can keep playing cards until he/she passes or runs out of cards)
It's okay to lose a round and in fact it is highly recommended, see 'Top Tips' below:

  1. It's okay to lose a round. Lure your opponent to play his/her best cards early and keeping your best cards for later and leaving your opponent weakened in future round(s)
  2. Use spy cards early, especially when trying to lose the first round
  3. Early in your playthrough while you have a weaker deck, use the second Northern Realm General as this will clear all weather effects, but wait till the end of the gwent round to use it as you may end up clearing more than one weather effect card
  4. You must have at least 22 cards in your deck plus special cards. Keep your deck to the very best cards and stay with the 22 minimum plus a few special cards like Decoy and Commander's Horn. This will increase the chances of getting dealt the best cards
  5. Remove all weather cards from your deck, they are not that useful. Focus on Decoys, Commander's Horn, Cards that Double up and Cards that gives you extra cards like spies and medic
  6. Use Decoys on enemy spies. Yes you can take your opponents spy card and play it back at them!
  7. Buy all cards in the game and Play every merchant as they give out random cards when you win

Reddit Gwent Premium Cards

The Pro Rank is the highest achievable rank in the game’s standard Ranked Play. It is the entry point for players wishing to join the world of GWENT esports. Each Ranked season lasts 1 calendar month and at the end of each one, the top 200 Pro Rank players are rewarded with Crown Points.

Welcome to our 20th meta report! The long-awaited “Way of the Witcher” expansion is upon us, and with it the promised meta shake-up. During the first week, we could witness the birth of Viy, arguably one of the most sophisticated decks in the history of Gwent.Speaking of decks that will challenge your intellect, SK also has some hot candidates, most notably Warriors and Lippy. My twitch: will upload streaming announcements on my youtube)My twitter: for watching.

Each game you play with a faction unlocks a portion of its fMMR. To unlock 100% of a faction’s fMMR, a player needs to complete at least 25 games with that faction. Similarly, playing 20 games will only unlock 80%, and so on.

Reddit Gwent Deck

Though your current overall and faction MMRs will constantly shift depending on the results and amount of matches you play, your ranking placement will be based on the highest overall MMR you have achieved during the Ranked Season. This is called ‘peak MMR’. For example, if you are ranked 3rd with 8200 MMR at any point in a season and lose a number of games, causing your current overall MMR to drop significantly, you will remain ranked 3rd until the end of that season — unless another player surpasses your overall peak MMR of 8200.
The Pro Rank rating is global and takes into account players participating in Ranked Play across all regions GWENT is currently available in. After a Ranked Season ends, all MMR is reset. The top 500 Pro Rank players will retain their top positions, while other players will be demoted to rank 3, but will still be able to climb back next season and join the race immediately.
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Gwent Meta Report

Players can check their ranking, as well as their global MMR, at any time on the Rankings page. Additionally, the distribution of fMMR between different factions will be visible in-game via a player’s profile.